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2 years ago

Live Review: The Great Escape Festival 2022

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The Great Escape made a welcome return to Brighton to showcase the best new music on offer. Callum Robinson spent three days on the South Coast reporting for SO.CO. 

Three days of glorious sunshine on the south coast made for the ideal backdrop for the 2022 edition of Brighton’s Great Escape Festival. The festival played host to bands and fans from all over the world, including Australia, Belgium and Canada. With 31 venues to choose from, it was perfect for the big crowds and the more intimate shows. 

Cassyette performs at The Great Escape 2022

Cassyette performs at The Great Escape 2022

Thursday got the festival off to a great start with some big performances, including the brilliant Cassyette who owned the stage at Chalk. Conor Albert also put on a really initiate show with jazzy tunes and a number of guest vocalists accompanying him. 

Thumper perform at The Great Escape 2022

Thumper perform at The Great Escape 2022

On Friday, Thumper lived up to their name on on the MVT stage. A lively, charismatic performance ensured the day got off to the strongest start. Max Pope, one of my favourite artists right now, put on a great show at the Queens Hotel. He was also joined by friend Conor Albert to play Sunflower, the track they created together during an hour long live-stream.

Max Pope @ The Great Escape Festival. 13th May 2022

Max Pope @ The Great Escape Festival. 13th May 2022

Saturday was Australia Day down at the beach with a wide range of music genres showcased throughout the day. Highlights were Stella Donnelly and Planet who were on the Amazon New Music stage and certainly ones to keep an eye on. Natalie Lindi drew the crowds in at Chalk with her incredible voice and enigmatic stage presence. Dead Pony and Swim School closed out the day at the Prince Albert, and both had the pub rocking!

Stella Donnelly @ The Great Escape Festival. 14th May 2022

Stella Donnelly @ The Great Escape Festival. 14th May 2022

As a venue, the Prince Albert stood out. A really quirky pub with a fantastic range of beers and great atmosphere. Decorated with external murals of music legends including Amy Winehouse, Freddy Mercury and Bob Marley, before you even entered the place you knew it was a venue of taste. 

Planet @ The Great Escape Festival. 14th May 2022

Planet @ The Great Escape Festival. 14th May 2022

Overall, TGE 2022 was a great return for the UK’s foremost new music showcase, and a promising insight into where the scene is headed. On this showing, it’s in good hands. 

Photos: Callum Robinson

Words: Callum Robinson / Thomas Jackson